Brooklyn, New York
Art Scene:Making A Statement

by Mel Fenson

Artist at Work....
It's after midnight.
It's somewhere in a
studio in a loft
in Brooklyn.
As the midnight oil burns, Andrew Sutherland, a young artist from Colorado weaves his mystical magic in primary-colored paint, applied to polyurethane shapes- to create a new exponentially expanding order of objects of unknown purpose- in pursuit of a deeper meaning of the cosmos and to satisfy his creative urge.

...A Statement Made!

Making A Statement...

Brooklyn, New York,
21st Century...

It's the creative goal of nascent young artists, yearning to become recognized in the big city. In a world buzzing with competition, they are striving make their STATEMENTS.

They bury themselves in their quest and splash a lot of paint...write serious words and compose new music, because they will be heard, they will be seen. Perhaps someday, people may recognize and remember their names - or read them on a placard next to a famous painting in a museum or on a CD label or see them surrounded by flashing lights on a Hollywood marquee.

At any rate, they are having a great deal of fun doing what they want to do to become whatever or whomever they wish to be.